Sunday, April 24, 2011

How I'm Using my Blog

In case you found yourself on this page & wondering what the heck I'm doing here...

I make my detailed training plan for the week every weekend.  I print it out & put it on my desk so I can see what I'm supposed to do each day.  But when I'm at work I don't have access to the plan...until now.  I just take a screen shot of my plan each week & upload it to my blog & I, as well as anyone else in the world can see it.

I plan my workouts in time rather than distance.  I have to do a quick calc to figure out how for to run or bike, just dividing the time by my expected pace.  For instance, I'm supposed to have a 2 hr run today.  Divided by 9:00 min miles that works out to over 13 miles.

See ya'!

Week 14 Training Plan